Career Placement Services
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Professional Job Placement
Job Recruiting Services
The Right Fit

"You are presenting people that are not only of very high quality, but are also focused on the business classes that match up with our company."

- Michael Moran, HDR

Placement of Design Industry Professionals

Architects, Engineers, Interior Designers, Landscape, Construction

Business Development; Marketing; Graphic Design

Accounting; Executive, Administrative & Project Manager Assistants

Out Placement Services for Reduction in Force Employees
• Eliminate increased unemployment taxes and hostile employees

Temporary Placement
• Temp to permanent placement

Identifying Firms Seeking Acquisitions or Mergers
• Connecting firms together

Business Coaching
• Essentials of managing a firm and employees

Career Consulting
• Designing industry specific resumes
• Interviewing techniques
• Researching salary ranges
• Discussing the Top 40 Tips to Success in the Design Industry
• Exploring your potential for the “right fit”

What We Do

A valued resource for the design profession, Placement By Design (PBD) provides placement services exclusively to design firms — including placement of Architects; Engineers; Interior and Graphic Designers; Marketing Coordinators, Managers and Business Developers; and Administrative and Project Manager Assistants. PBD’s experienced staff works confidentially with both candidates and firms to find the “right fit.” Placement By Design operates on a firm-paid fee basis and respects candidate’s confidentially in seeking job opportunities.

• to consciously search for the best candidate for the position.
• to create the "right fit " to enhance a firm's corporate culture.
• to consider each search a "strategic hire."
• to ensure the satisfaction of the firm and the employee.

Placement By Design Placement By Design
TypeCast Information Design